
Welcome to Lit's Blog, where all things literary are fair game! As a middle school Language Arts teacher, one of the many things I'll be using this forum for is to share my opinions on books, both Young Adult, and otherwise, that I've recently read, and hope that you'll jump into the fray with your thoughts, as well! Please visit often, as I'll be adding regularly. Just scan the titles of each blog for the book's name, and let me know what you think!

(Parents: At the end of each blog, you'll find a "book rating", based upon the MPAA ratings (see link entitled "MPAA Ratings Guide"). Since I generally try to read whatever the kids seem to be reading, and encourage my students to read a wide menu of texts, do not be surprised if you see an "R" rating on a title, or two. I will do my best to be as accurate as possible - HOWEVER, this rating is intended only as a guide. Ultimately, it is your decision as to whether your child should read the titles listed, or not.)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thing #23 - I'm (NOT) out of here!

Woohoo! I'm done!!!!!!

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
I'd have to say my two favorites were the Wikis (so ridiculously user friendly!!!! I really like Wetpaint the most, and have set up three planning wikis for my teams (I'd link them, but they're private)) and then it's a toss up between the blogs and podcasts (yes, even though I did my fair share of "gritching" because I couldn't get it to upload, I know the issue is not insurmountable).

How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
Talk about the breath of life! This has shown me a whole new set of things to "chase", and it's only a mouse click away. PLUS, like literacy, technology is a dynamic body of knowledge, always changing, so it's not like I'll ever know it all (even if it was static, I'd still never know it all). Finally, technology dovetails into just about every subject out there, so if I should ever move from a classroom teacher to another educational position, the knowledge will transfer, too!
Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I am amazed, looking back, at how MUCH I learned, in such a short amount of time. The title of this post says it all - I'm not finished. I am going to go back and play some more (I WILL get that stinking podcast uploaded!!!!!).
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
Maybe offer a "BYOL" (Bring Your Own Laptop) meeting - at a Starbucks, even - where people could come get in person support for specific issues they are having.
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?

Absolutely! Put me on the list now!
How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities?
Paradigm shifting
Life Changing


Grendel said...

Great reflections! I enjoyed reading them. Actually, I believe there were/are "bring-your-own-laptops" meetings scheduled. In fact, I think they just had one. Obviously, you were doing well--very well--with the written directions. Congratulations on a great blogging adventure!

flying_pig said...

Thanks! I've really enjoyed this process, and have definitely caught the "blogging bug"! I think I will also be creating a Writing Ning today - no time like the present, right? I envision it as a place where teachers can share, blog, discuss, post lessons, etc. Watch for a link in the resources section!

VWB said...

It's good to see you have already adapted your blog for other things and are continuing to share!

Congratualations on completing your summer adventure!