
Welcome to Lit's Blog, where all things literary are fair game! As a middle school Language Arts teacher, one of the many things I'll be using this forum for is to share my opinions on books, both Young Adult, and otherwise, that I've recently read, and hope that you'll jump into the fray with your thoughts, as well! Please visit often, as I'll be adding regularly. Just scan the titles of each blog for the book's name, and let me know what you think!

(Parents: At the end of each blog, you'll find a "book rating", based upon the MPAA ratings (see link entitled "MPAA Ratings Guide"). Since I generally try to read whatever the kids seem to be reading, and encourage my students to read a wide menu of texts, do not be surprised if you see an "R" rating on a title, or two. I will do my best to be as accurate as possible - HOWEVER, this rating is intended only as a guide. Ultimately, it is your decision as to whether your child should read the titles listed, or not.)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Thing #21

Woohoo! I've been looking forward to this Thing all along. Now I can finally figure what to do with all of those videos we shot this past year, after getting proper permission, of course! I particularly liked the video on TeacherTube on poetry slams, since I've been really wanting to take "Open Mic" to the next level, but wasn't sure how to give my kids a visual of what a poetry slam looks like. Check out the video below to see what I'm talking about. (Be patient with the beginning - it's a student made video, so you have the middle school flavor! :))

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