
Welcome to Lit's Blog, where all things literary are fair game! As a middle school Language Arts teacher, one of the many things I'll be using this forum for is to share my opinions on books, both Young Adult, and otherwise, that I've recently read, and hope that you'll jump into the fray with your thoughts, as well! Please visit often, as I'll be adding regularly. Just scan the titles of each blog for the book's name, and let me know what you think!

(Parents: At the end of each blog, you'll find a "book rating", based upon the MPAA ratings (see link entitled "MPAA Ratings Guide"). Since I generally try to read whatever the kids seem to be reading, and encourage my students to read a wide menu of texts, do not be surprised if you see an "R" rating on a title, or two. I will do my best to be as accurate as possible - HOWEVER, this rating is intended only as a guide. Ultimately, it is your decision as to whether your child should read the titles listed, or not.)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thing #14

Hmmm...Technorati. Not sure how I feel about it, quite frankly. While I did find a great blog that comments on the state of education in Texas, I'm not sure exactly how I will specifically integrate it into my classroom, other than just turning kids onto the site. One thing that does spring to mind is that it could be a very useful way for kids to read posts on books they're reading, either in class, or for pleasure. I'll need to think more on this one, and get more comfortable using it first, though....

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